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Preview: Generator Service (beta)

Custom generators help game masters build adventures and improvise. You can create as many generators you like with Campaign Logger.

The current generator builder is functional, but missing some features and accessibility.

So we've created a Campaign Logger add-on with the working title of Generator Service.

The Generator Service is available to all Campaign Logger members as a standalone app. You can use it right now to build generators for your games.

The Generator Service is also integrated with our upcoming new version of Campaign Logger, called vNext.

Here's an overview of how to log into the Generator Service:

You can access the Generator Service here, using your Campaign Logger credentials:

In Generator UI, I can add a table to a generator, validate and run it.

I cannot seem to figure out how to reference that table or use it from Campaign Logger.

If I click the "Create/Manager Generator" control in the right hand column, a new tab opens in the browser to the Generator UI login even if I am already logged in from some other tab.

From there, I cannot seem to get CL or G-UI to add my generator to the right hand column in Campaign Logger.

I also do not see how/where to have a Campaign Logger entry or log trigger or use a generator.

Am I missing something or is this still under construction?
@JochenL While we are talking Generator UI, is it possible to reference an outside table?

I don't recall if we removed that function when deploying Generator UI. We used to reference tables in our Github repo.
@ELF wrote a nice guide for generators: https://campaign-community.com/index.php?resources/generator-guide.135/ (click Download)

Here is the part on external tables:
External Tables
Not all tables that are called by your table must be located in the same file. You can call another table in three different ways, depending on where the external table is located.

Public Library Calls
The Campaign Logger server has a standard library of help tables that can be called from any table by adding the lib: string in front of the table name:


For public library calls, the generator name used in the call is the name of the JSON file.

Local Generator Calls
Help tables installed on your own Campaign Logger setup using the Manage Custom Generators option can be called from any table by adding the gen: string in front of the table name:


For local generator calls, the generator name used in the call is the name property of the generator.

Private Library Calls
Help tables installed on the Private Library section of the Manage Custom Generators option can be called from any table by adding the private: string in front of the table name:


For private library calls, the generator name used in the call is the name property of the generator.

External Subtable Calls
The external table call can also specify a subtable within the called generator. To do that, insert a hash mark (#) after the file name, and then the name of the subtable.

{lib:generatorName#subtable name}

Note that there are no spaces in front of after the # character. The subtable name can contain spaces.
(I again use this opportunity to proclaim that IMHO the distinction between local and private generator calls is a problem if we want to allow users to install and then customize their generators, as we cannot know how the user will install their generators and therefore do not know how to call their other local generators. Searching for the called generator from all possible locations would bypass this problem. Also, Carthage must be destroyed...)