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What do you appreciate the most about your current (or most recent) group?


Game Master
Staff member
Adamantium WoA
Wizard of Story
Wizard of Combat
Gamer Lifestyle
Demonplague Author
Borderland Explorer
When you are a hammer, the world is a nail.

Sometimes focusing on the positive lifts our head up and gets us appreciating the horizon where sky and sea turn the same colour.

So as a change from talking about problem players, what's something you are grateful for about your current or recent group?

Stephan Hornick

Community Goblin & Master of the Archive
Platinum WoA
Wizard of Story
Wizard of Combat
Borderland Explorer
Now my turn.
I love about my players:
  • They are dependable. They almost never cancel, and if we do, it is no problem. And they are punctual.
  • They dive deep into their characters and portray them with all their perks, insecurities, hopes and believes.
  • No meta gaming, hardly any outgame talk.
  • They play characters with personalities, not heroes, badasses, or cool guys.
  • They help me build the world with cool ideas from their side.
  • They might suggest reasons otherwise, but never question my decisions.
  • They forget words like "quest giver" during play. Every milk maid, every stable hand, every horse or tree even (in case of our druid) is a potential quest giver.
  • They know it is their characters' decision whether to follow a lead or not. They know there is a multitude of story hooks and they have the freedom to decide. They love that freedom.
  • They understand that it is a story that is not followed, but created by GM and Players alike. I like it when they easily brush aside my expected outcome and go their own way, naturally interacting with the world.
  • They do things. They seldomly hesitate and play into a direction of fun for all.
  • They can listen for long times to interactions between other players and NPCs / GM and not feel bored.
  • They pay attention to the other players and throw them limelight or naturally include them.
  • They give away loot, even major magical items, because "the color does not fit, and he/she might need it more" or "I want (this NPC) to have it instead".
  • They are fine with me devulging secrets gradually.
  • They actually don't seem to be that interested in accomplishment of a task, although they are eager to, but to live in the moment and carry out the process towards the accomplishment.
  • Major goal/hope/fear questions for their characters are returned to the game by them, not forcefully by the GM.
  • They gradually enrichen their backgrounds with stories about their past. We all love these PCs.
  • They help me as a GM, get in the right mood, go relaxed to a session, find quick answers to rules.
  • They are naturally the same "vibe" and I like them even out of the game.


Adamantium WoA
Wizard of Story
Wizard of Combat
Now my turn.
I love about my players:
  • They are dependable. They almost never cancel, and if we do, it is no problem. And they are punctual.
  • They dive deep into their characters and portray them with all their perks, insecurities, hopes and believes.
  • No meta gaming, hardly any outgame talk.
  • They play characters with personalities, not heroes, badasses, or cool guys.
  • They help me build the world with cool ideas from their side.
  • They might suggest reasons otherwise, but never question my decisions.
  • They forget words like "quest giver" during play. Every milk maid, every stable hand, every horse or tree even (in case of our druid) is a potential quest giver.
  • They know it is their characters' decision whether to follow a lead or not. They know there is a multitude of story hooks and they have the freedom to decide. They love that freedom.
  • They understand that it is a story that is not followed, but created by GM and Players alike. I like it when they easily brush aside my expected outcome and go their own way, naturally interacting with the world.
  • They do things. They seldomly hesitate and play into a direction of fun for all.
  • They can listen for long times to interactions between other players and NPCs / GM and not feel bored.
  • They pay attention to the other players and throw them limelight or naturally include them.
  • They give away loot, even major magical items, because "the color does not fit, and he/she might need it more" or "I want (this NPC) to have it instead".
  • They are fine with me devulging secrets gradually.
  • They actually don't seem to be that interested in accomplishment of a task, although they are eager to, but to live in the moment and carry out the process towards the accomplishment.
  • Major goal/hope/fear questions for their characters are returned to the game by them, not forcefully by the GM.
  • They gradually enrichen their backgrounds with stories about their past. We all love these PCs.
  • They help me as a GM, get in the right mood, go relaxed to a session, find quick answers to rules.
  • They are naturally the same "vibe" and I like them even out of the game.
That is quite an amazing group. I would echo many of the same qualities in my group although we tend more towards gaming as a social event. Some nights its all game but other nights we don't really get out of the starting gate because people are in the mood to chat. This annoys one player but for most of us its our one night to just be a group of guys hanging out.]

That said, when we do play they are always helping to further the storyline and add to it in their own ways. They have their own goals for their characters and very much work together when it comes to division of loot. Now, they aren't the best at tactics but somehow they come through and win the day. We've been gaming together every week for 20 years. I hope it never ends. :)


New member
Gold WoA
Just started with this group (three sessions in), but it's live and in person, which I have been trying to get back into for a while. There are a couple of "old school" D&D players from back in the AD&D days, so that's really cool. And there are a couple very new players, which is awesome since I love to teach (math teacher for a short stint and an American football coach for 25 years).

MOT the Hoople

New member
My present group is the best I've ever had in over 42 years of gaming. They play rounded characters that would be interesting to meet IRL, and they all really CARE about what happens in my homebrew campaign world. Their minds and choices keep my on my toes - until they knock me on my bottom from yet ANOTHER unique approach to a situation - and they actively work to see that each session is interesting for all involved... including me.
Others have called one trait of theirs a "down side" but we don't see it that way: if the group encounters something with no parent or guardian within sight, they all jump to adopt the poor soul - whether it's a humanoid or a monster. It's truly amazing to see in action!