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Recent content by Ye Olde Raven

  1. Ye Olde Raven

    Feature Requests

    Alas, I used my gray matter to look at Gray Matter and ... that's beyond me at this point. :) I'd love to know how to do this stuff but I have no idea where to start.
  2. Ye Olde Raven

    Feature Requests

    Under the grand assumption that the data is stored in chunks of json or some other extendable format I think it would be worth looking at taking a step back from the current interface/data relationship. In my head I see the interface rendering the data and it has some assumptions around the...
  3. Ye Olde Raven

    What VTT Do You Use?

    You forgot the option "I bought one and don't use it because I appear to like to collect gaming related things."
  4. Ye Olde Raven

    Character Advancement - What do you prefer?

    I think that constant small increments mirror the real world. However, I'm fairly sure that I can't cast spells. (Is programmer a class?) So when a character levels up in D&D and gains new powers, my prefered style of gaming would want the characters to do something focused to gain those new...
  5. Ye Olde Raven

    Background sound effects

    If you're set up to run background music/audio for your adventures I'd recommend https://mynoise.net. If you make a donation you can have access to all sorts of generators with all sorts of sounds. You can also use some of your donation credits to have the site generate custom audio files that...
  6. Ye Olde Raven

    HELP: Ideas for challenging my player’s OP characters

    A thought I just had was about a foe whose scale is such that you can't see all of or one who doesn't care how hard you can punch. An environmental disaster, rising tides, burst dams, forest fires and earthquakes. A partially toppled building with people your heroes care about needs a different...
  7. Ye Olde Raven


    Happy Belated, @JohnnFour! Hello all! It's nice to see that, agewise, I'm not the oldest. If I was the youngest, I'd worry. I started with the red box D&D somewhere early 80's. Played up until the end of college. I had the honour of gaming with Johnn for a few years in Vancouver - lots of...