# Exploring Science-Fiction RPGs (Part 1)
## Finding Your Science-Fiction Niche ...
### ... In Time
Science-fiction stories can occur in nearly any time period from pre-history to the end of time itself.
Many settings mix and match time periods in creative ways as well for interesting effects, such as time travelling, science-fiction westerns, alternate history settings, and more.
What time periods interest you, the past, the present, or the future?
Is time travel present?
### ... In Space
Science-fiction stories are not limited in where they occur.
Our Earth, alternate Earths, our Solar System, the nearby stars, across the galaxy or practically anywhere else our telescopes have ever seen.
Each scale or scope of setting provides its own wonders, opportunities, and limitations.
Science-fiction also offers many varieties of places from planetary surfaces, colonies, outposts, space stations, spacecraft, and fantastic megastructures like a Dyson sphere or Larry Niven's...