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Hello new forum members! Welcome!

Please leave a reply and introduce yourself.

Where in the world are you? What game(s) do you GM? How long have you been GMing? What's your favourite sided-die?
My name is Johnn. I live in Alberta, Canada. I've been GMing since my friend Eric got the game for Christmas in 1980.

My favourite die is the d20. I do like d12s, but seeing a 20 come up surprises and delights me every time, even though I've seen it a million times.
Hello. Here via John's invite message he sent out this morning. It's been years since I've been on a forum!

My name is Gabe and I live in Portland, OR with my wife and (now adult) kid - both of which game in their own various styles. I GM Dungeons and Dragons 5e and am currently running Keep on the Borderlands (Goodman 5e) with my long-time group The Blue Ribbon Company. We finished up Ravenloft last year.

Playing D&D since 1980. GMing (Keep on the Borderlands as a matter of fact) since 1983.

My favorite die is a specific gold-glittery D20. Have had it since early 00s and it's the fairest die I have and will get a 20 when it is dramatically needed!
Hi, My name is John. I've been playing and/or running since 1980. I live near Charlotte, NC and work as an information security engineer for a fortune 100 finance company. I've been GMing since around 1988. I am currently running a low RP Dungeon of the Mad Mage game every other Saturday night and play a Eladrin Horizon Walker in a 5e Planescape every other Sunday. Thinking I may add another game to kill some time during Covid.

My favorite die is any but Chessix. They seem to universally roll poorly.
I'm running Keep on the Borderlands too. My 10th time. :)

I've always wanted to run Planescape. Been thinking that's my next D&D campaign should I need a new campaign.
Hi, my name is Gary. Been playing D&D since 78. I'm GMing 3 (different) pathfinder campaigns for my wife, my daughter (27) and her friends. I'm located in Katy, Texas. My favorite die is a 6-sider. Nothing like rolling a handful of them to get the players attention...
Where in the world are you? What game(s) do you GM? How long have you been GMing? What's your favourite sided-die?

My name is Jochen and I am living in Dortmund, Germany.
Currently, I GM Splittermond and Dungeon Fantasy.
In general, I am GMing GURPS, Fate, Pathfinder, and Splittermond.
I have been in the GM seat since about the end of the eighties.
My favorite is the D20, followed by the good old D6.
(...and my inner Ninja is favoring the D4...)
Bayonne, NJ (that rounds to New York City)

I'm GMing Rifts: Chaos Earth starting a new campaign for my friends sheltering in place so we don't mess up the main one--I'm not going to use plagues as a plot point in this one....

I'm be GMing since the 90s with Robotech, pretty much always Palladium products.

and lets pick up the d10 today especially because I get my d10s labelled from 0-9 not 1-10 like so many people seem to :)

I am Michael Anderson. Started playing D&D in 1978. I was only ten then, so I’m not too old.

I've been GMing for over a quarter of a century (sounds more impressive than 30 years, eh?)

I’m currently running a DND 5e homebrew right now. It’s a mix of elements from rise of Tiamat, Out of the Abyss, and a homebrew I’ve been running since 1999.

Additionally, I still play with my long term group using the near-forgotten (and heavily customized) Role Master system.

As a player and as a GM, I try to keep narrative and character development at the core of everything I do. Lately, I find our playgroup’s style leaning toward the hilarious. We do a lot of silly stuff that would easily get us killed in older school campaigns.

We had our first remote session the day before yesterday. We are eager to see if we can duplicate the chemistry we have in person, online. So we are trying to keep it very open. We’re running a Rick and Morty module for Roll20.

My favorite die has always been the d10. I hate the hundred sided die (If I could create an emoji that represented my hate for that die, it would break this phone), The variant of the 10 sided die which displays 10s, instead of 1s holds a particular darks spot in my heart.

I have a four-year-old son that I am slowly indoctrinating into the life.
Welcome, everyone!
Hello all,

My name's Doug, and I live in British Columbia, Canada. Right now I GM a home brew D&D 5e campaign, a Vampire the Masquerade V5 chronicle, and about to kick off a couple sessions of Warhammer 40k Wrath and Glory to see how we like it. I've been GMing since 1997, albeit with little comprehension of what I was doing at the time (I think I can attribute my improve abilities to that phase of my GM career.) I presently have a love/hate relationship with the d10 in that I can't help but admire its subterfuge and guile when it usurps a d8's place in someone's hand during a high tension roll...even when it's my own 😑

Full disclosure, I recently heard back from JohnnFour via email where his response mentioned the word "forum." Which prompted me to sift through his website to find this. I can't go so far as to say I'm an amateur writer (as I've yet to publish anything other than the material for my homebrew players), but I welcome and relish the opportunity to trade and brainstorm ideas.

I've had the luxury of playing with some unique individuals, which oddly enough hail from one of three groups: military, corrections officers, or wildland fire fighters (my wife included). As such, I've had the pleasure of having to write encounters that take into account players that have a propensity for planning and coordination. They also possess an appreciable wealth of experience when it comes to risk assessment and problem solving, so traps and terrain encounters are frequently dealt with swiftly and elegantly. That being said, there are still some very simple logic puzzles that have completely stalled sessions, so I am still hunting for the elusive happy medium.

Rambling aside, I've found myself having to design dungeons and encounters that can challenge the afforementioned calibre of player, and I would love to offer up some of those experiences and lessons learned if it would be of benefit to anyone (I've lurked more than a few forums in my time, and drawn from JohnnFour's resources long enough that I felt guilty enough to try and contribute in turn.)
Welcome, Doug!

I've found myself having to design dungeons and encounters that can challenge the afforementioned calibre of player, and I would love to offer up some of those experiences and lessons learned if it would be of benefit to anyone

I would like to read about that!
Welcome Doug!

I too have Wrath & glory and it's on my bucket list to GM some day. Let us know how it goes!

Rambling aside, I've found myself having to design dungeons and encounters that can challenge the afforementioned calibre of player, and I would love to offer up some of those experiences and lessons learned
Yes please!
No. Feel free to create a thread in this forum. By giving it a thread of its own, it makes it easier to ask questions and focus on that conversation.

Don't feel pressure for perfection. Get your thoughts out. Who kares about speling.
Hi, my handle is Outrider11us, my name is mike, im 63 and have been running rpgs since 1975. Primary game is D&D in its various incarnations since 1975, except for 4th edition, which our group switched to pathfinder. I have run games in about 60 different systems which many are mercifully dead.

I like to run D&D, savage worlds ww2 horror, call of cthulhu and old school traveller. Unfortunately i have been working about 65 a week the last two years and have moved far away from my group
Welcome, Mike.

We switched to PF at the tail end of 3.5 and stuck with it during 4E. Ironically, I've been reviewing my 4E stuff lately because they had some fantastic adventure designs.

Sorry to hear about the long work hours, but I'm glad you took the time to say hello.

Hello everyone, my handle is Akodoken and my name is Michael O. Holland. I've been an avid gamer for 35 years now since I was introduced to Basic D&D. I play a lot of games now and I am running a D&D 5E adaptation of Against the Giants set in Kobold Press' Midgard setting. I have written Pathfinder, D&D 5E, and Starfinder material for AAW Games and I am a minor contributor (1 critter) to the Tome of Beasts by Kobold Press.

Always looking to improve my skills as a DM and as a Player. That's why I enjoy your material so much, Johnn. You've taught me a lot. :)
Hello everyone!

My name is Jack, and I've been GMing for not quite 2 years. Never played TTRPGs before, talked a group of friends into trying it with me, and have somehow managed to keep it going! None of us knew what we were doing when we started, and I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing! We are all well-seasoned video gamers, and none of us are what I would call super creative types, so the "collaborative storytelling" elements of TTRPGs is something we are still learning how to do. I am passionate about this new hobby, and want very much to continue growing and developing as a GM and storyteller.

We are running 5e, and after starting with Phandelver, we have moved into a heavily modified Tyranny of Dragons 1-20 campaign.

My favorite die is the d2. We use a large, heavy metal "coin" with a 1 on one side, and 20 on the other. Makes me feel like Two Face when it gets flipped!