That seems just to be my play style corner. I'm looking forward to playing with you and Jessica. Do you intend to increase the group size before we play or do we play with 2 players and 1 GM?
Thank you for the link and explanations. Very interesting system. It reminds me very much of Call of Cthulhu with and a little spice of World of Darkness. Does the setting also feel like Call of Cthulhu but from within a government position (e.g. like "Men in Black")? This seems to be the difference to standard Call of Cthulhu.
Where do you see the big differences?
Depending on how you want to proceed with character choice / creation and prior relationships within the group, I would adjust my PC's role, history and personality to make for a fun group constellation. But shortly having read through the book (except from the mission at the end of course), I would prefer to deviate a little bit from the pre-generated characters. As character creation is so easy, I would think of the following instead if that is ok with you:
Dr. Marc Zimmer
German Underwater Archeologist
Appearance: Marc is a 40 years old, balding man with a stout physique. Often wearing a tweed jacket to convey professionalism, his subconscious fidgeting though can be interpreted as either nervousness or over excitement.
Portrayal: Easily excited, insecure, humorous
Quirk: He uses his vast knowledge of legends, underwater creatures and artifacts to either inspire young people or to impress the opposite sex, because he strongly believes that he wouldn't be worthy of their attention otherwise.
Goal: Get happily married.
Professional Life: Marc studied archeology in Köln, Germany, and Basel, Swiss, specialized in underwater archeology in London, UK, and finally obtained his doctorate at the Michigan State University where he is currently teaching classes. Because of his funny nature he is very popular with the students, but the dean of the university
Robert Floden is giving him a hard time.
Personal Life: Marc is an unhappy single. His ex-wife
Betina Floden is squeezing the last bit of money out of him because he's not man enough to say no. His best friend is the little octopus named
Seven-and-a-Half and he is secretly in love with the petshop owner
Merry Weatherheaven.
History: One evening at
Dagwood's, a local bar in
East Lansing, some strange fellar seemed to take pity in him (or so Marc thought at the moment) and gave him his card.
"If you are considering to change your perspective, Mr. Zimmer, give me a call. We need people like you. But beware: it will change your life forever. And not always for the best." Some days later Marc called agent
Tom Shaw back and had his first interview with
Delta Green.
- Relentless ex-wife Betina Floden (12)
- Cute pet octopus Seven-and-a-Half (14)
- Mentoring agent Tom Shaw (11)
- Good-hearted petshop owner Merry Weatherheaven (14)
- The oceans hold endless secrets. Marc wants to know them all. That is why he became a researcher of ancient history. Every now and then though, he becomes a little too obsessed.
- Since an early deep water dive when he was but a student, Marc is fascinated by the beauty of sea life. This resulted in him studying the ocean and going for a dive every now and then.
- Marc believes in the good of all people and that one should help each other, no matter what. This is why he likes teaching so much.
- Although Marc believes in the ancient saying that the quality of food can increase the quality of your life, he often reaches for the wrong food and doesn't live so healthy as he would love to.
- Marc yearns to find his place in life. He has never been able to keep a group of friends and was often uprooted by his career. Also, he got divorced a while back and his dream of a happy family shattered violently. Since then he finds himself wandering and stumbling through life without a strong anchor. He is throwing himself into his teaching and research, but truly he is only looking for belonging.
STR 10 | 50% | CON 13
Perseverance | 65% | DEX 10 | 50% | INT 17
Knowledgeable | 85% | POW 8
Insecure | 40% | CHA 14
Likeable | 70% |
Accounting | 10% | History | 60% | Swim | 60% |
Alertness | 24% | HUMINT | 50% | Unarmed Combat | 40% |
Archaeology | 50% | Melee Weapons | 30% | Unnatural | 5% |
Athletics | 34% | Navigate | 11% | German | M |
Bureaucracy | 40% | Occult | 62% | English | 50% |
Criminology | 10% | Persuade | 40% | Nahuatl | 30% |
Disguise | 10% | Psychotherapy | 10% | Sumerian | 20% |
Dodge | 30% | Ride | 10% | Old Babylonian | 20% |
Drive | 20% | Search | 62% | Latin | 21% |
Firearms | 20% | SIGINT | 20% | Greek | 10% |
First Aid | 10% | Stealth | 10% | Middle Egyptian | 10% |
Heavy Machinery | 10% | Survival | 10% | | |
Special Training: SCUBA Diving (Swim)
- The (Un)Death of Marlene Baughman ("Last Things Last")
Occult Books Studied:
- Sky Devils: Archetypical Figures in Native American Mythology [Unnatural +1%]
- Liber Damnatus [Unnatural +4%, Occult +2%]
SAN losses:
- Cruelty (Inflicting Violence) 1: Not helping crying lady but investigating cabin [SAN -1d4 = -1].
- Disgust (Perceiving Violence) 0: Seeing a scene of torture and ritual and chemistry [SAN -0/1 = -0].
- Disgust (Helplessness) 1: Listening to audio tracks of a woman dying of a snake bite during a christian mess [SAN -0/1 = -1].
- Horror (Unnatural/Helplessness) X/2: Seeing the still living but changed Mrs. Marlene Baughman but breaking free from his flight state [SAN -1d6 = -5, Temporary Insanity (Flight), Bond (Ex-Wife) -1d4 = -2]
- Study of Sky Devils (Unnatural/Helplessness) BP: [SAN -1d3 = -2]
- Study of Liber Damnatus (Unnatural) X: [SAN -1d8 = -4, Bond (Mentor) -1d4 = -3]
Mental Disorders:
- 1st Breaking Point: Study of Sky Devils. Long-term mental disorder (Unnatural/Helplessness in the face of the Unknown): Depression/Obsession