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In the Chat-GPT interface, output stops when it runs out of tokens for the query.

As a test in Zorgon, type "continue" in the chat and see if it completes the output.


Game Master
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Adamantium WoA
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Demonplague Author
Borderland Explorer
I just tested this, asking Zorgon for 10 adventure seeds based on tomorrow's RPT Newsletter article that I shared with him.

He stopped on seed #9. I typed continue, and he resumed. That should work for you @heiko-m.

@JochenL we might want to note this for future tool tip or hint.


CL Byte Sprite
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Borderland Explorer
Can you ask him to continue his thoughts?


New member
I've noticed on longer responses to queries, he seems to break down. The final couple of paragraphs for me seem to be random adjectives strung together in a run-on list:

All worshippers charge actions sufficient layering encompassing priorities expanding charity exercised significantly morally including reaffirmed balancing continuous progress

4.Brilliance Doctrine
Crediting power stemming predominantly attributable engagingly preventive mode non-harm acting recital efficiently consolidative protective tenet whilst cultivating safeguarding non-conflict connectional bridging values inclusive tending peacekeeping outreach"

Otherwise, I want to strongly encourage the use and development of AI for this purpose. It can and will be very helpful as it improves.