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This is a place where you can introduce yourself and especially your current gaming preferences. In other threads, you link to your profile so you don't repeat yourself.

Please use the following template:
  • Name: <your name/nickname>
  • Systems: <list of game systems/rules you prefer to GM/play>
  • Settings: <list of settings (actual or simply genres) you prefer to GM/play with those systems>
  • Style: <description of your preferred playing style>
  • Times: <your time zone (GMT+/-x) and your preferred gaming times, from/till, day of the week, how often>
Add a little bit of freeform text about you if you like.
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Hi! This is me:
  • Name: Stephan Hornick
  • Systems: I'm open to all systems and love to try new ones. I'm most experienced in D&D, Shadowrun, The Dark Eye, and WoD
  • Settings: SciFi or Fantasy, especially interested in Dark Sun and classical dungeon crawl, or Shadowrun
  • Style: Low power, not too political, heavy on roleplaying, i.e. immersion (even during combat etc.) and I love detailed NPCs and world elements, and I'm all in for a cooperative game.
  • Times: GMT+1, twice a month, 21:30-23:30
And this is my Treasure Table for reference:

Bartle Type​
Player Type​
Emotional Kicks​
StephanESAK - 67/67/40/27Roleplayer, PlotterRoleplay, CharDev

I find the RPG Player Preference Quiz Survey especially helpful in this context (remember to save before clicking DONE). Therefore, let me add the following details:

Favorite TTRPG Type of Game Ranking:
  1. Very long campaign with multiple arcs and no predetermined endpoint
  2. A long campaign with multiple arcs and a defined endpoint
  3. A medium length campaign with a single arc consisting of many scenarios and a defined endpoint
  4. A short campaign with a limited number of scenarios
  5. A one shot scenario
Favorite TTRPG Genres Ranking:Favorite TTRPG Scenario / Activity Themes Ranking:
  1. Sci-Fi
  2. Post-Apocalypse
  3. Fantasy
  4. Horror
  5. Espionage
  6. Superhero
  7. Historical/Alternate History
  8. Weird/Surreal
  9. Military
  10. Western
  1. PC backstory delving
  2. Confronting moral dilemmas
  3. Survival / Escape
  4. Resistance
  5. Taking the fight to the enemy
  6. Classic Quest
  7. Heist
  8. Investigation / Mystery
  9. Lore discovery
  10. Intrigue and Diplomacy
  11. Exploration
  12. Philosophical / Religious
  13. Journey / Travel
  14. War
Favorite Player Joy Ranking:Favorite Player Goal Ranking:
  1. Feeling like your character has left a mark on the world
  2. An opportunity to shine as a role-player
  3. Seeing other players shine
  4. Feeling like you have overcome a really challenging situation through teamwork
  5. Feeling like you have personally overcome a really challenging situation
  6. Learning something new and interesting about the world
  7. Seeing a good plot play out (the GMs)
  8. Seeing a good plot play out (your plot)
  9. Triumphing in combat, after some really close calls!
  10. Triumphing in combat with a mix of highs and lows, a real roller coaster ride!
  11. Using the rules in a creative way to deal with a challenge
  12. Getting defeated in a fair fight
  13. Solving a difficult puzzle
  14. Leveling up!
  15. Fun and camaraderie with your fellow players
  16. LOOT!
  17. Triumphing in combat and utterly devastating the enemy!
  1. I want to engage in collaborative storytelling, where I contribute significantly to the world and its stories
  2. I want to feel immersed in a different world
  3. I want to see how my character changes over time
  4. I want to be part of an interesting and dynamic team of characters
  5. I want to be part of rich stories, told by the GM
  6. I want to craft and inhabit a living, breathing character and play them to their full extent
  7. I want to be thinking about the game I played for days afterward
  8. I want to hang out with my friends
  9. I want to escape from this crazy world of ours
  10. I want a game that I don't have to prepare for and that doesn't have homework between games
  11. I want to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and to hear the lamentation of their significant others

What would you like to GM?
  • Shadowrun (prefered)
  • Vampire
  • The Black Eye
What do you expect from being the GM?
  • Honest feedback from professionals
  • A good time with great players
  • I can try out some quick prep for one-shots
    (I seldom run one-shots as I'm often disappointed by the players)
  • I want to know how it feels like to GM for fellow GMs
What would you like to play?
  • I really like DARK SUN
  • Shadowrun
  • Something with Goblins may be?
  • Anything else, it doesn't really matter. I like to try new things.
What do you expect from being a player?
  • A good time with great players
  • A great GM and stuff where I could improve
  • Playing again after a very long time
What voice chat app do you prefer?
  • Discord and Teams
What virtual table top app do you prefer?
  • Doesn't really matter for me, but I used Roll20 in the past
What is your timezone?
  • GMT+1
What are typical days & times you could be online for gaming?
  • Twice a month, Tue - Thu 20:30 - 23:30
Anything else not covered yet?
  • How do you guys think about running a chat RP instead? This works at least with my timing constraints. We run Whatsapp roleplaying chats. Anyone interested in this type of game?
  • I would only GM for 2 to 4 players. That's my comfort zone.
  • Ideally, I would love to have those sessions recorded to watch later if I cannot attend. I believe, I can still learn a lot, even if I'm not around during the session. Do any of you have recorded past sessions?

And regarding my player goals / hopes for my players I created a personal preferance list: The 12 types of player focus, where the first step is always solo-play, the second step team play, and the third step cooperative play. I aim at the third step in each aspect of play.

Sorry for the long introduction. I hope it helps understand my style of play.

Edit: migrated my introduction from the other Online Roleplaying forum.
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  • Name: ungooglable
  • Systems: Fate, AW engine, any rule-lites actually, D&D 5e
  • Settings: all of them! (but preferably generics)
  • Style: bloody, but not too serious
  • Times: GMT +2, playing irregularly
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  • Name: JochenL
  • Systems: EABA, Fate, GURPS, Ilaris, Pathfinder (or D&D 5e), Savage Worlds, Splittermond, Traveller - generally generic over specific
  • Settings:
    • Classic Sci-Fi: Firefly/Serenity, Traveller
    • Fantasy: Aventuria, Conan, Golarion, Lorakis, Middle-Earth
    • Modern/Urban Fantasy: Dresden Files, Monster Hunters, World of Darkness
    • Transhumanist Sci-Fi: Mindjammer, Nova Praxis, Transhuman Space
  • Style:
    • My ideal is concentrated and immersed roleplaying
    • But I tend to drift into light-hearted, sometimes slapstick rollplaying
    • I like to roleplay "friendly" monsters and annoying characters (either inexperienced newbies, flawed heroes, or disgusting villains)
    • I like to describe dark, gritty, gory details, especially when the player characters kill off my NPCs
  • Times: GMT+1, weekdays between 7 pm and 11 pm, once a month, every other week
Add a little bit of freeform text about you if you like: TBD :)
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  • Name: Sean Patrick Fannon
  • Systems: GM: Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition, Savage Worlds; Play: It's easy to say "anything," but it's closer to the truth to say I'd like to play stuff that's close to what I run. That being said, I'll listen to a pitch and look at the system. Anything uber-crunch or ultra-lite is probably a pass, though.
  • Settings: The list below nails it pretty well.
  • Style: You know that feeling when Captain America does, well, anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? That. 100% that.
  • Times: US Mountain (GMT -6:00); I do this professionally, and I set my own schedule, so consider me more open than most humans on the planet.

Favorite TTRPG Type of Game Ranking:
  1. A long campaign with multiple arcs and a defined endpoint
  2. A very long campaign with multiple arcs and no predetermined endpoint
  3. A medium length campaign with a single arc consisting of many scenarios and a defined endpoint
  4. A short campaign with a limited number of scenarios
  5. A one shot scenario
Favorite TTRPG Genres Ranking:Favorite TTRPG Scenario / Activity Themes Ranking:
  1. Superhero
  2. Fantasy
  3. Sci-Fi
  4. Military
  5. Espionage
  6. Western
  7. Historical/Alternate History
  8. Post-apocalypse
  9. Weird/Surreal
  10. Horror
  1. Taking the fight to the enemy
  2. Classic quest
  3. Resistance
  4. War
  5. Intrigue and diplomacy
  6. PC backstory delving
  7. Investigation/Mystery
  8. Confronting moral dilemmas
  9. Lore discovery
  10. Survival/Escape
  11. Journey/Travel
  12. Exploration
  13. Philosophical/Religious
  14. Heist
Favorite Player Joy Ranking:Favorite Player Goal Ranking:
  1. Feeling like you have overcome a really challenging situation through teamwork
  2. Feeling like your character has left a mark on the world
  3. Seeing other players shine
  4. An opportunity to shine as a role-player
  5. Triumphing in combat ,with a mix of highs and lows, a real roller coaster ride!
  6. Fun and camaraderie with your fellow players
  7. Seeing a good plot play out (the GMs)
  8. Seeing a good plot play out (your plot)
  9. Triumphing in combat, after some really close calls!
  10. Feeling like you have personally overcome a really challenging situation
  11. Using the rules in a creative way to deal with a challenge
  12. Learning something new and interesting about the world
  13. Triumphing in combat, and utterly devastating the enemy!
  14. Getting defeated in a fair fight
  15. Leveling up!
  16. LOOT!
  17. Solving a difficult puzzle
  1. I want to engage in collaborative storytelling, where I contribute significantly to the world and its stories
  2. I want to be thinking about the game I played for days afterward
  3. I want to feel immersed in a different world
  4. I want to craft and inhabit a living, breathing character and play them to their full extent
  5. I want to be part of an interesting and dynamic team of charactersI
  6. I want to be part of rich stories, told by the GM
  7. I want to hang out with my friends
  8. I want to see how my character changes over time
  9. I want to escape from this crazy world of ours
  10. I want to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and to hear the lamentation of their significant others
  11. I want a game that I don't have to prepare for and that doesn't have homework between games

Also Important: I want to be a hero - every single time. I want to help people, defend against evil, protect the innocent, and stand for something meaningful. I will not play evil or selfish - EVER. I despise PvP with every fiber of my being and will walk away from any game that allows it.

These principle apply to the types of campaigns I run; if you want to feel like you are in a movie series like the "Avengers" or "Lord of the Rings," we are golden. If you are looking for something more Tarentino, I am not your GM.
  • Name: John B. (John Bogart)
  • Systems: I like a lot of systems. I'm currently running a D&D 5e game, which has been fun because I started with AD&D years ago. In my teens and 20s I played a lot of World of Darkness, then Chronicles of Darkness campaigns. The last 10 years, I've played a lot of games, but none dominantly (Fate, Cortex, Burning Wheel, Powered by the Apocalypse, Forges in the Dark, Spire/Heart, Coriolis, Mutant Year Zero, attempts at homebrew systems, etc.)
  • Settings:
    • Sci-Fi: Coriolis, Firefly/Serenity, Mindjammer, Scum & Villainy, Traveller, Star Wars, Star Trek, Nova Praxis
    • Fantasy: D&D (mostly Forgotten Realms), Conan, Middle-Earth, Ehdrigor, Dark Sun, Ars Magica, 7th Sea, Song of Fire and Ice
    • Modern/Urban Fantasy: Dresden Files, World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness, Scion, WitchCraft, Esoterrorists, Atomic Robo
    • Postapocalyptic: Mutant Year Zero, Apocalypse World, Fallout
  • Style: I GM a LOT more than I play. I've also been sort of re-evaluating what I want and like recently, so this is a bit hard to answer. Some things that I do know:
    • I tend to be more interested in the story part than the game part of RPGs
    • But I tend to focus on making sure everyone else is having fun, so I'll immerse myself in the mechanics if that's what others like
    • I like learning new systems and have frequently had "ADHD gamer" brain in the past, wanting to try out new systems
    • I tend to like dark settings and stories, but I also like at least basically good characters
    • I like to describe dark, gritty, gory details, but I'll tone it down based on player comfort level
    • I also like fantastical details and am often drawn to fey themes when they're present in a story
    • I am working on finding the balance between character-driven stories and plot-driven stories (I love the idea of character-driven sandboxes, but in practice I usually get bored with campaigns where I try to do that too much, and then my players get bored)
  • Times: Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7), though I may be moving in the next year or two. I'm busy and have time to play about once a week. In the past, I often have been in two games that are each every other week. Weekends tend to be better for me, but there's flexibility. It would actually be nice to have a game during the week at night.
I think I've said everything I can think of above, but I'll add stuff as I think of it.
I should definitely adjust my introduction here... It's all included behind the link on my name above, but this is rather... overlooked, I believe. To get to know my style of play, systems I run or would like to try, it is easiest to just look at the links in my profile to important posts I wrote in the past.
Hey everybody!

I am currently running Cubicle 7's Adventures in Middle Earth (over 2 years in - the end is creeping up on us!) and play in other stuff like a long term Pathfinder game, where we are kingdom building (restoring a ruined keep!) and Pathfinder in person family game. I also play in a number of different systems. I actually lean towards D&D 5e, its where I started about 6 years ago, but mainly I enjoy playing and am not really fussy about systems.

I love long involved campaigns - I'm retired and have plenty of time! But I also like to try shorter campaigns to try new things and have been known to run 1 - 3 shots when I want to get to know new players. I like people and friends are more important than game systems, etc.

However, I do have a preference for Fantasy, esp. if its a bit gritty, I like lower levels and overcoming challenges. I want to be a hero, but against odds, not over powered. I enjoy roleplay, but also combat - give me plot and dungeons!

I've played in Alien, where we all died at the end, but its not my favorite type of game. I think my all time favorite game was playing a Hobbit in Middle Earth in a rather grand fantasy game. Little Lily stood strong against adversity, but also got mad and slapped a fellow PC that was being a jerk to her.... of course she got flattened! lol Humor is great. I run games that are fairly casual with a balance of rp, combat and bantering around. As a GM I fail at building a ton of suspense, but I can't be all bad, my players have stayed with me for years now!

I talk too much... :)

I've played in Alien, where we all died at the end, but its not my favorite type of game.
As a GM I fail at building a ton of suspense, but I can't be all bad, my players have stayed with me for years now!
I talk too much... :)

Welcome Carol!

Your experience with ALIEN hits the nail on the head with what goes wrong with that system that makes it so tough to run.
I've posted a number of ideas on how to change that aspect of ALIEN over on Free League's forums - but the short version is:
Don't kill your party with aliens!
The cinematic adventures assume a total party kill in the design - which I think bleeds over into how Alien campaigns run.
Instead, I recommend using the aliens as off-screen impending doom ... as the players move about the universe as space truckers, marines, or corporate troubleshooters ... pile up the clues that aliens are around: missing ships, lost colonies, rumors, the Space Beast book, etc.
Then, just showing them the direct aftermath of an alien attack - such as a trashed ship, station, or colony... will have them on the edge of their seat waiting for that other shoe to drop.
And when they are squirming - have the aliens take out a bunch of NPCs and *threaten* the PCs with near misses.
The ALIEN Isolation game does this very well: The alien can choose between killing you and the NPC next to you, and bam, you got lucky the NPC was the victim while you run!
In the meantime - PCs have have a number of adventures within the Alien universe with that impending doom hanging over them like a cloud without just being total party kill fodder.
By the way - the same thing works with higher level undead, dragons, all manner of legendary creature... in effect the xenomorph from alien is just that - a legendary creature sometimes in a legendary lair.... and should be used as such.

And it sounds like your crew is not a huge mystery suspense group and your GM style works for them - so nothing to worry about there.

Finally... talking is a good thing for a GM ... until the die rolling starts muhahahah
Welcome Carol!
And it sounds like your crew is not a huge mystery suspense group and your GM style works for them - so nothing to worry about there.

Finally... talking is a good thing for a GM ... until the die rolling starts muhahahah

My crew consists of players like my 16 yr old granddaughter - who is a lot of fun and gives me grief (mainly because she remembers all the stuff I don't!), but has really learned how to play with adults this last year. Now if she didn't roll 5 or 6 nat 20's in a session! lol My group are all long time friends now, we share a love of the setting and, yes, having one of our campaigns together being more of a "beer and pretzel" type is a low stress fun time!

As for the Alien game - it was set up as a short campaign with the unwritten thought we'd end it by dying. It mostly to test the system and see how we liked it. Personally, I'm not a big fan of horror, but when your friends are playing and your granddaughter is begging to have an Alien pop out of her tummy, what do you ? LOL

My favorite game atm is the Pathfinder game, not for the system, but because our DM really works all his story arcs and our backstories and all the NPC's into a really cool ongoing plot. Our choices matter and direct the ongoing course of the world around us. We have a main character and also got to play a mini campaign with our alts - My alt is an Archeologist (Bard subclass mixed with Rogue abilities) and my partner in crime is a lady killer bard. We were sent on a caper to find a dragon orb in the middle of a high stakes dice party and it was hilarious. We made false identities for the party and talked to and flirted with all the NPC's and we "succeeded" in finding something, but it was a letter telling us that we'd passed a test and to show up at Lord Kent's for further assignment... we ended up acquiring the dragon orb in a Lizardman temple and giving it to the ancient dragon it really belonged to! And we didn't kill each other.. lol

Thanks for the welcome!

  • Name: Todd
  • Systems: Over the past 45 years, I have played: AD&D 1E, D&D 4E, BASH!, Call of Cthulhu 6E, Champions 1E–4E, Dark Sun (D&D 2E), Dungeon Crawl Classics, Gamma World 1E, GURPS 3E, Kids on Bikes, 7th Sea, Tiny Cthulhu, Tiny Dungeon, Tiny Gunslingers, Tiny Living Dead, Villains & Vigilantes 1E
    Looking to try: Basic Fantasy RPG, Castles & Crusades, Conan, Dungeon World, Elric, Fiasco, Labyrinth Lord, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Mutants & Masterminds
  • Settings: Fantasy (low or high magic), Superhero, Post-apocalyptic (zombies or mutants).
    I currently run a Roll20/Discord bi-weekly Tiny Dungeon campaign, a Roll20/Discord tri-weekly Tiny Dungeon campaign for my kids and their friends, and a monthly in-person Tiny Dungeon. I may soon be starting another Roll20/Discord bi-weekly online campaign for a friend, setting and system TBD.
    I also play online PC games like Red Dead Online, SCUM, Grand Theft Auto Online, and City of Heroes.
  • Style: I usually GM but I'm looking to play. Not a fan of "theater of the mind" games, Savage Worlds, or FATE. I am not interested in any pay-to-play games.
  • Times: I'm in the Central Time Zone (GMT -6); bi-weekly to monthly games on weeknight evenings from 8 pm to 10/10:30 pm would work best for me.
  • Miscellaneous: I attend GaryCon in Lake Geneva every spring.
  • Name: The Lord High PigMonkey
  • Systems: D&D 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3.5, 5e, D6 Starwars, D6 Adventures, Edge of the empire starwars, The entire WOD family, Monster of the week, Dungeon World, Alien RPG, Fate, Dresen Files RPG, Cyberpunk 2020. Cyberpunk Red, Mechton Zeta, Gurps (up to 4th), Call of Cthuhlu, Paranoia, Paranoia xp, Paranoia red clearance, Burning wheel, Mouseguard, Mechwarrior, ICRPG, DCC, Lamentations of the flame princess, Morkborg, Pirateborg, Cyborg, Palladium books (TMNT, Heroes Unlimited, Beyond the Supernatural, Robotech Saga, and (sigh) Rifts), Fung Shui, Cairn, Knave, Maze Rats, Savage worlds, Serenity. I have a lot more but, I either have not read them, run them, or feel I'm not familliar enough to run them.
  • Settings: I tend to make worlds from nothing. I know different settings, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Technofantasy, SciFi, and Horror. However being from a 1ed D&D background Horror creeps into all of my games. I prefer to do my own world building, or session 0 world building, to using constructed worlds, I still read them, but I use them for inspiration on the fly more than an acutal setting.
  • Style: I have been an preformer and Improviser since before I started playing RPG's. I reskin monsters, change rules I don't like (with player concent), and only ever really keep my mind on the Villan's progress. I do so little prep that all of my descriptions are often as big of a surprise to me as it is to players. Its more fun for me that way, more of a challenge, and the tension always creates a better game from me. A good game is about creating a viceral FEELING in players. It does not matter what that feeling is, Disgust, Fear, Love, Hate, Interest, or Anger if a feeling is created the session is memorable.
  • Times: East coast of Canada Atlantic time GST -4.
  • Miscellaneous: RPG's have done a lot for me, I have autism (discovered last year... so bit of a surprise, but explains alot) and RPG's taught me socialization in a risk free and, (reasonably) Judgement free place with people I know and trust. I want to share that. I run different D&D games with students at different schools at lunch, Run RPG outreach for LGBT youth, Run a monthly game for Canadian Institute for the Blind, and am currently looking into adding it as an option for the hospital for sick children, and a recreational option for the local provincial prisons. I also do stand up comedy, Play the Ukulele, and make a general nucance of myself.
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- Name: L0ngw4lk3r, or Jens for short.
- Systems: DnD 5e, Pathfinder 2e, Call of Cthulhu, Zweihänder, ICRPG, EZD6, OSE. I have a few more I haven't had the opportunity to play yet.
- Setting: I usually go with a low fantasy approach with some grim and dark elements. I may borrow some stuff from established settings, but it is usually my own. Except for battle maps. I steal those left and right.
- Style: A good mix between RP and combat, theater of the mind and actual battle maps. I try to switch it up regularly.
- Time: GMT+1, usually Monday and Thursday evenings.
- Misc: As it turns out, I am the well known forever GM. Weirdly enough, I don't generally enjoy being a player.