Hi my name is Andy and am from Boston, MA, USA. I’ve played D&D since I was a pre-teen but over the years have managed to be in only a few games. I GMed for over 15 yrs but only several times, finding it difficult to form a group for various reasons. I have run 2 successfully, a homebrew Forgotten Realms game in 3.5 and Tyranny of Dragons in 5E. My other games all fizzled early and I tend to bite off more than I can chew in picking epic-length adventure cycles. My favorite games are Mage the Ascension, D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, 13th Age and Fading Suns. My only significant experience is in D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder 1st Ed. 5E is not quite to my liking and 4E not at all, preferring both editions of Pathfinder and 13th Age.
My adventures have always lacked flair and creativity and am hoping to change that. My other hobbies are writing screenplays and fan fiction novels. At this point in my life, I feel I must improve my writing skills especially for adventures or else pick a new hobby other than RPGs, but have no idea what else to do for recreational human interaction.
I’d very much like to run a game finishing a story arc of significant length for Mage, 13th Age or Fading Suns over a few months before my adventuring days end. Groups seem to break apart much faster these days and gathering an in-person group seems very hard now, so I’m open to receiving tips about how to roundup a group for a few months. I’d rather not do an online game but more and more that seems to be the direction in which everyone’s going
My favorite die is d20 but feel d12 is a totally underused die.
My adventures have always lacked flair and creativity and am hoping to change that. My other hobbies are writing screenplays and fan fiction novels. At this point in my life, I feel I must improve my writing skills especially for adventures or else pick a new hobby other than RPGs, but have no idea what else to do for recreational human interaction.
I’d very much like to run a game finishing a story arc of significant length for Mage, 13th Age or Fading Suns over a few months before my adventuring days end. Groups seem to break apart much faster these days and gathering an in-person group seems very hard now, so I’m open to receiving tips about how to roundup a group for a few months. I’d rather not do an online game but more and more that seems to be the direction in which everyone’s going
My favorite die is d20 but feel d12 is a totally underused die.