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Shared Logs


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Wizard of Story
Wizard of Combat
Is it currently possible to have a single shared campaign log where all players can create new entries, as well as see entries from other players?

I'm thinking of a variation of a West Marches style campaign, and using the campaign logger to keep track of some of the campaign details as a gm, but I also feel that if the overall log can be shared with all players, who can go in and make their own entries, and see entries from other players, as well as entries that the GM has shared, this would be a huge help for the overall campaign as everyone can have a centralized space for note-taking, comments, etc.

Features I would hope for.
  1. The GM can have notes that are only viewable by the GM
  2. The GM can also mark a note as shared, meaning that other players can read it.
  3. only the original poster can edit or modify a note.
  4. any poster can choose to have a note that only they and the gm can see.
  5. The gm should have the option of setting the overall log so that he can view all notes, but only edit his own.
  6. at poster discretion, a message can be sent to all other users showing that a shared post has been made...
  7. At minimum, you must have access to the Campaign Logger trial version (with all limitations of the trial version - paid subscribers have almost all capabilities)
this is the rough outline of the idea i've been thinking about. Is this a feature currently available in Campaign Logger, or will it be in vNext?

Any help is appreciated!
Is it currently possible to have a single shared campaign log where all players can create new entries, as well as see entries from other players?
Currently, this is not possible. But this is a feature we are planning to bring up for voting.

The plan is to let GMs invite players (who don't need to pay).
Each player gets their own "private" log.
Sharing is expanded so that you can decide whether to share publicly (via streams) or within your group (read-only log view for players).

Your situations are cool and I would like to include them.
Summoning @Rardian to this thread to keep track of this feature request.

If it helps: the base idea is for use in an online VtM or VtR campaign, that integrates elements of a West Marches Campaign, (rotating players & characters running around the city with separate or competing interests). Being able to use a shared campaign log, (even if it is only one section, say shared log, but not shared entries, (so the gm can plan) would still be a plus. this gives the gm the ability to setup information on commonly-known places, people, events etc. and for players, gives them a better means of tracking in-game events, player actions and plans, etc. All in one central location, which as a plus can also help newer players who wish to do a bit of research get a handle on historic events faster, and without the need for a gm "recap" quite so often.....

one thought that stands out:
" The plan is to let GMs invite players (who don't need to pay). "

While i love the thinking here, I hope that like current beta access, there is a limit on the number of posts that a non-player can use. this gives more of an incentive to purchase the logger, or subscribe. On the thought of subscriptions, for non-patrons, please consider offering a bi-annual or yearly payment option online.

thanks again for reading.
On the thought of subscriptions, for non-patrons, please consider offering a bi-annual or yearly payment option online.

Also - Giftable Subscriptions for the Campaign Logger!

sometimes a generous player or streamer may wish to purchase a short-term sub for a player or group that they like. being able to purchase a subscription code and give it to someone else would really help! :)
@JohnnFour might have plans in that direction! :)
You can give a subscription to someone today. Subscribe for a second account and send the credentials to your friend.
Heh. But I think the spirit of the discussion was a) better marketing, and b) a better experience for doing that (or, at least, clarity on how to do it).

I agree on both.

So thank you for the suggestion!
Subscribe for a second account and send the credentials to your friend.
I believe this is usually not permitted by terms of service, but now that I checked, I did not notice anything preventing that in the Campaign Community ToS. Live and learn!
Hi! I know this is an older topic, but still: are there any plans that invited players may contribute / may create or edit logs in a campaign? I´d like to have the players taking their notes individually and it would be a great thing if they could share it in a log. Or maybe are able to edit a GM defined session log or something....just not only reading 🙃...pls free us from One-Note!

Jochen is finishing up work on the new editor, and then we look at our high priorities and decide what's next. Player Logs / editing is a high priority on our list, so it could be next.