• Hello game master! Welcome to our growing community. Please take a moment to Register (top right button, see how: Slides).

    If you use Campaign Logger, you can use the same login details - we've linked the app to this forum for secure and easy single sign-on for you.

    And please drop by the Introductions thread and say hi.
I'll be phasing out the feature suggestion form and directing folks here instead.
OK, I removed the link to avoid the risk of miscommunication. And I guess the old (now dead) Atlassian support link has been replaced by this forum as well, so updated the Wiki page.

(BTW, is the missing JSON converter link this one, or something else?)
Any chance of any more videos and docs like the loopy planning ? I'm watching that now and it is very helpful. I still have to prep more than most as I cannot pull things up on the fly but it is helping me use the logger more effectively. Best Practices videos would be enormously helpful for new users :)
Hi there, I could have sworn you had something @JohnnFour where you showed or described how you use Campaign Logger to prep for your campaigns (as opposed to in-session tracking), but I can't track it down. Am I crazy or is there something like this available I could check out?
@JohnnFour The cheatsheet and the wiki links above seem to be dead.

I'm just getting started, and I'm looking for a basic guide to the markup language. I think those are the resources I'm looking for.
@Mac sorry about that. The link Jochen posted gets you the cheatsheet. The wiki link is defunct as the information is no longer up to date.

We'll be adding tutorials and documentation in the future, once vNext is out of beta.
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I'd love to see (i.e., shared) an in progress campaign using all of the features of vNext along with @JohnnFour's techniques (plotlines, etc.). How does he organize planning? How is "master data" setup and preparation materials organized?
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