RPT GM E. shared with me that they've got writer's block, and maybe a little GM burnout. Here's their email, paraphrased a bit:
RPGwise, I realized this week my creativity is gone.
I had to brainstorm and couldn't whip up anything.
Right now, I'm in a total slump gamewise.
Right now is a great opportunity to prep loads of stuff, but I'm at a total loss for creative energy.
Has anyone reported the same thing? Are you feeling like this?
Thank you for sharing this, E. I think other game masters are in the same situation, whether it's fatigue from GMing, stress from real life, or for other reasons.
I have written about GM burnout before, and will link to those tips at the end.
I also don't have any instant solutions for you, alas, as I see burnout and writer's block as part of every GM's journey.
Such journeys are personal, and so I could only offer you surface level solutions until I walked a thousand hexes in your shoes.
What I would like to speak to today, though...