• Hello game master! Welcome to our growing community. Please take a moment to Register (top right button, see how: Slides).

    If you use Campaign Logger, you can use the same login details - we've linked the app to this forum for secure and easy single sign-on for you.

    And please drop by the Introductions thread and say hi.



Adamantium WoA
Wizard of Story
Yes, I do!

I used it for Sci-Fi mostly/lately. Traveller-esque using plain Fate Core/Condensed.
Before that, I got into Mindjammer, Eclipse Fate, and Dresden Files.
It all started with a Brothers Grimm/Krabat-ripoff medieval fairy tale fantasy game.

I like the versatility of the system. It's easy to improv, and it's story-driven.
The only thing I miss is crunch, as sometimes everything feels the same.
For that reason, I enjoyed Mindjammer and Strands of Fate.

I have yet to find a good fantasy implementation.
I like Malmsturm, but the setting is so densely woven into the rules that they are difficult to reuse.
I like Dungeons of Fate, too, and translated it into German.

If you have any pointers for Fate Fantasy, I am all ears!
For fantasy stuff I just made magic weapons and armor aspects. How do you handle it?

Ogbang the Oddventurer

Wizard of Story
Hello everyone! I'm Ogbang and I'm a ttrpg actual play content creator (https://www.youtube.com/@ogbang), game designer, and artist.
I used to work full-time at AAA video game studios and in the movie industry for nearly a decade, but left it all behind in pursuit of more personal creative endeavors. Once I found the amazing and always welcoming ttrpg community, I knew I made the right choice!

I've been a professional GM for a little over a year now and like many of you, found Johnn's Five Room Dungeon and used it as my go to method to creature amazing ODDventures!

Looking forward to learning from Johnn and everyone else here, as well as sharing what I have learned during my many campaigns and one-shot games with all of you!

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Wine Guy

New member
Silver WoA
I'm Tim.

I've been playing since the old blue and red boxes came out and GMing since about that time as well. I've been following Johnn's Roleplayingtips since '04 or '05.

I used to run 1st Ed/2nd Ed ADnD games on RPOL.net but have had to slow down when adulting got difficult.

There are 3 people in my RP pantheon. Gary the Scholar (flawed gods are the best), Dyson the Cartographer, and Tolkien the Creator, who said his own version of Fiat Lux! in my mind when I read the Hobbit at age 8. The names of the heroes and prophets are many... Johnn included amongst them.


New member
Platinum WoA
Hi everyone,

You can call me Twilight. I'm a pretty young guy in this crowd, and I've only been GM'ing for a couple years (exclusively 5th Edition D&D) but I'm passionate for the craft. I run a game about once a week for my players who are spread out over the US (and one guy out in Australia), and so yes, that means I do all my games online. It all started when a friend of mine decided to try his hand at running Phandelver for a few of us guys but dropped away just a couple sessions in.. I digested all the rules in a week, took his place, finished Phandelver and moved onto running games in my own original world.. of course there's been a couple bumps along the way but I've become rather passionate for world building and I enjoy practicing the skills involved in being a great Dungeon Master.

My favorite "die" is actually the percentile dice. It always feels like a treat to use them, especially on a Wild Magic table or something of the like.

Thanks for reading.


Adamantium WoA
Greetings and welcome!
How did you find Keep on the Shadowfel? I've heard a lot of folks had problems with it and had to rework it a lot.
And ... well... I can only approve of the name of your Campaign 2 - especially if you are a fan of They Might Be Giants like I am.
My experience with Shadowfel wasn't too bad. The players I ran it for were new to playing D&D and came primarily from warhammer so I ran it combat heavy and they were happy with that. The town piece was a little awkward and coming up with believable story hooks as well.

Hahah well when I picked that name I was thinking about the first short adventure I ran for them from a free one-shot I got my hands on. It involved a giant that was harassing a town of halflings for easy food. I needed a code name for the group for organizing purposes and "They Might Be Giants" and figured I'd make a theme of giants in this campaign. I hadn't heard of the band before, and on a hunch just googled it and was like...oops I guess that's a thing!


New member
Hello new forum members! Welcome!

Please leave a reply and introduce yourself.

Where in the world are you? What game(s) do you GM? How long have you been GMing? What's your favourite sided-die?
Hi Everyone,

I am really please to join the forum.

My name is Mark and I currently live in a small village situated in the west of the county of Norfolk in the UK.

I have been table top roleplaying & wargaming consistently since the autumn of 1980 and started GM/DM'ing fairly soon after. As such please forgive me if I don't list the different systems, rules, genres, styles, types or board games that I've played, run or refereed.

I first started replaying playing Traveller, when there wasn't even such a thing as an edition and it totally blew my mind. So I still have a bit of a soft spot for the goog old common D6. However, the favourite for me by a mile, is the exciting D100 and the amazing "01". Which I fell in love with playing Runequest and Rolemaster, again with no mention of an edition in sight.

At the moment I'm Co DMing a D&D 5e semi-sandbox campaign using published Forgotten Realms & Roll20

This is actually the very first time I have posted on any forum. In fact, I have probably only read less than about a dozen posts across all of the forums I have ever bumped into.

You mighty then be wondering why I've have now decided to do so.

Well, it’s really down to Johnn & Jochen, who I have followed for many years, with their excellent advice, ongoing contribution and hard work, both for "at the table" and 'behind the scenes" with Roleplaying Tips/Campaign Logger.

Anyways, I thought it would be a great opportunity to show my appreciation, get involved and contribute what I can.

At the moment I'm only involved in the one game 🥺 (as mentioned) which runs every 6 weeks or so, due to the other player's commitments. As a result I am suffering pretty bad with severe withdrawal symptoms 🤪 and finding it really difficult to keep control of my jittering dice 🥴

So here's a "shout-out" for whoever is interested in playing anything online via Roll20. I have a Pro Subscription which uses free seats for players and the ability to pass the role of GM over to another player.

If anybody is interested, please post or message me and we can see if we can get a game going, one-shot or otherwise.

Best regards to all 😊

Subdued Wasp

Wizard of Combat
Im from London and currently living in Berlin. I have GMed a fair bit in the distant past. In the past the games ended up being more or less 100% combat, lots of dice with adventure, narritive etc secondary. My intersts now are almost exactly the reverse, its not just about avoiding murder hoboism, its also that combat is often fairly dull (yes, I have signed u pto the faster combat course!) and I find the whole narrative adventure side more interesting and provides many more opportunities for roleplay.
That said, I am currently running heroquest which is almost entirely dice and slaughter but even here I feel there is a lot of opportunity to go beyond "I rolled a 4, ok dwarf moves here. now you, here are the dice".


Platinum WoA
I'm in the U.S.
I've lived in California, Oregon, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida. I'm currently in Texas.

My first game play ever was in a Champions campaign, played a telepath hero named Psycho. I was hooked.

Not long after that, I cut my teeth GMing by running a PSI-World campaign in the 80s. It was so addictive. I had players hound me for multiple sessions a week. In the 90s, I ran a Champions campaign with 5 to 12 players per session for a few years. Moved on to running a couple home made RPGs, then eventually on to Fudge, Fate, Strands of Fate, Cortex, Pathfinder, D&D (3.5, 4e, and 5e), LevelUp, and many I've forgotten their names.

Just started playing in 5e game with a not quite min/maxed (and not very bright) paladin divine sorcerer hexblade with enough twists in his background to make him a fun role-play of discovery.

Currently GMing a Not The End RPG in a steampunk setting. I've been obsessed with Not the End RPG for several months. It does not use dice. Instead NtE draws tokens from a bag, usually offering up the good and bad outcomes all at the same time.

The pandemic has me and my partner playing online only.

It's hard to pick a favorite die, but it would have to be tie between d6 and d10, the dice I entered role-playing with.
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RPG Therapist
Staff member
Adamantium WoA
Wizard of Story
No long after that, I cut my teeth GMing by running a PSI-World campaign in the 80s. It was so addictive. I had players hound me for multiple sessions a week. In the 90s, I ran a Champions campaign with 5 to 12 players per session for a few years. Moved on to running a couple home made RPGs, then eventually on to Fudge, Fate, Strands of Fate, Cortex, Pathfinder, D&D (3.5, 4e, and 5e), LevelUp, and many I've forgotten their names.

Just started playing in 5e game with a not quite min/maxed (and not very bright) paladin divine sorcerer hexblade with enough twists in his background to make him a fun role-play of discovery.

Currently GMing a Not The End RPG in a steampunk setting. I've been obsessed with Not the End RPG for several months. It does not use dice. Instead NtE draws tokens from a bag, usually offering up the good and bad outcomes all at the same time.

The pandemic has me and my partner playing online only.

It's hard to pick a favorite die, but it would have to be tie between d6 and d10, the dice I entered role-playing with.

Champions and Psi-World - nice!

I still have my Psi-World here but Champions disappeared long-ago... still have my Hero System stuff though.

Welcome to the fray!


New member
Copper WoA
Been in and out of this game since the 1980's when I used to play with a bunch of fellow RCAC (Air Cadets) on weekends till we lost one of our players and the fun of the game went with his passing. Recently got back into the game once again got bitten by the DM bug. I have a love of LitRPG books and have thought of a few ideas to bring to campaign. At session 2 for my group of players and so far we are a mix of experienced and new players and the vibe is there once again. Apps like this make the game as a GM much easier and the game more enjoyable for myself and the players as I am not hunting down info on various pieces of paper.

Ellery (Allonrik)

Platinum WoA
I'm a bit late to this forum, I can see by the dates of posts . Oh, wait; there are 40 pages! Sheesh! Must be all the crazy weather I'm currently getting here in Alaska (I'm in Wasilla, just north of Anchorage) - my brain is not working right! We are currently getting mixed rain and snow with temperatures in the high 20s and low 30s, such that it's snowing, sticking and somewhat melting off the next day. We still have 2.5 feet of snow on the ground and I can only remember weather this bad this far into April 3 other times in the 43 years I've been living in Alaska. I was born and raised here and left for 8 years for active duty service in the U.S. Navy Seabees.

My name is Ellery and I go by Allonrik in discord on the Roleplaying Tips server (and in general) since that was my first character that survived to "maturity" (mid teen levels) before we drifted apart. He is a dark elf ranger/cleric that was too close to another very popular dark elf to mention. I'd like to remember that I came up with the character concept before the other one was printed but can't remember. I started in the early 80s with AD&D and then picked up the Red Box D&D with my brother and had a ball with it. We had several friends in junior high and high school that had Greyhawk and most of the original modules so we played ALL of them and when dark elves were introduced as PCs in Unearthed Arcana I jumped at the chance to play one and caused all sorts of headaches for several DMs with Allonrik. We took turns playing and DMing and endeavoured to kill each other when it was our turn to DM so I can feel Doug's pain as we had our work cut out for us working on scenarios (even reworking a lot of the published module encounters) to make sure they were a challenge. Only one of my friends was able to kill Allonrik and it wasn't even with a well designed encounter; it was with a trap (I completely missed - I think I'd run out of find traps spells or something like it) and he rolled a critical (20/100) hit, killing me instantly. He was so happy with himself. It was actually funny at the time - he was so stoked he'd finally done the impossible. We all laughed and enjoyed his success and found a way to resurrect me (we were mid-teen levels by then) and continued on.

I'm currently running a modified AD&D 1st edition Temple of Elemental Evil campaign set in Greyhawk and having a ball getting back into the old edition that I love and missed for so long. I've DMed Pathfinder, 5e, Rifts and Robotech. I've played in those plus Runequest, Battletech and maybe a couple others I can't remember off the top of my head. Currently playing in a heavily modified 5e Ravenloft campaign and enjoying it immensely (played Ravenloft back in the day when it came out with an awesome DM). Also currently playing a 5e campaign and a second Pathfinder campaign on discord/roll20 with several out of state friends. Yup, I'm in 3 separate campaigns and running one of my own. Maybe that's why my brain isn't keeping up.

I'm really enjoying seeing all the others out there gaming and that we have an excellent forum here in RPT!

Thank you Johnn and Jochim!

PS - dice: the d20 (seeing a 20 is always the best and a 1 the worst) and d100 (high rolls for asking help from a patron diety and low for Runequest).
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New member
Greetings! I live in northern Alabama, USA. My name is Charles. I've been playing D&D since 1977, off and on. I've refereed D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Swords & Glory, The Empire of the Petal Throne, and GURPS. I'm particularly focusing on Traveller Update 2022 and the Hostile RPG at this time. In the late seventies I used to go to The Roundhouse Hobby Shop in Huntsville, Alabama, where I recall the day the store manager pulled the copy of the AD&D Player Handbook and also the first black box of Traveller and began running games that week. I played Gamma World, D&D, Metamorphosis Alpha, Traveller and Runequest there. I play a homebrew AD&D regularly and run Traveller once to twice a month. I'm interested in the many techniques Johnn has presented for creating faster plots, campaigns, NPCs, and places. Learning to do things quicker, smarter, and sooner is my current focus.

After running a homebrew campaign in The Spinward Marches of Traveller, I misjumped everybody into a pocket dimension where they are adjusting to a similar, but not quite the same universe. Sometimes they meet people who are identical to those they knew in Spinward Marches, and other times they are very different. Most worlds are different from those they knew, but some are eerily similar. They are currently on a campaign to locate a Megastructure by following the clues left by a merchant ship that originally found it, returned to civilization, then vanished. I'm attempting to create NPCs, fill out worlds, and create exciting plots daily. At least doing one of the three daily.

As far as D&D is concerned, I've been trying various random world-building techniques to create my fantasy campaign. Currently, it's all a bunch of notes and randomly generated places, people, and ideas.

My goal for both D&D and Traveller is to build a solid enough world setting, that I can spend my time creating plots and improvising - especially improvising. I'm gradually getting there!

My gaming inspiration for D&D comes mostly from the Elric series by Michael Moorcock, Amber by Roger Zelazny, Tolkein, and M.A.R. Barker, the creator of Tekumel and the various in world novels he wrote. My inspiration for Traveller comes from ideas gleaned from Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Larry Niven, the Perry Rhodan series, Doc Savage series, The Avenger series, and other pulp fiction, and James Bond, as well as SAS writer Chris Ryan's adventure fiction. I'm currently reading the Children of Time series by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

My favorite die is the D20.


Game Master
Staff member
Adamantium WoA
Wizard of Story
Wizard of Combat
Gamer Lifestyle
Demonplague Author
Borderland Explorer
My goal for both D&D and Traveller is to build a solid enough world setting, that I can spend my time creating plots and improvising - especially improvising. I'm gradually getting there!
A goal worthy of great adventures and inspiring speeches afterwards!


New member
Hello All..

My name is Mark D. Overholser, AKA MarkO.. I live in Adair Village, OR, a former US Army , then US Air Force instalation, just North of Corvallis, OR, home of Oregon State University..

I actually joining this Community to learn more about the Ideas behind making RPG Scenarios, because I'm helping to build a MMORPG for a 35 year old Computer called the Tandy Color Computer 3.
This game, called Alcarron, is based on ideas in the SNES Game Dragon Warrior.
Since the Quality and Playability of a game are directly related to how the Scenarios and Game Play is done, having a good base design and developing the Story are critical..

Thus the reason I'm here to learn more..

I'm pretty much a d6 person, usually with multiples, but I love the availability of multiple face Dies to get even distribution of any particular number.
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New member
Howdy All, This is Brandon. I hail from the lower 48 of the United States. I've gamed for over 30 yrs (weird to count that).
Played numerous flavors of games/systems. GM'd the Mid-80's Marvel Super Heros, Victoriana, WoD Wraith, just a smidge D&D. At the beginning of this year (2023) my crew tied up a homebrew DeltaGreen I co-judged.
I cannot recall all the systems I've played in but closest to my heart is Cyberpunk 2ed, D&D 2ed (i do like 5th), WoD Vampire 2ed & Marvel.
I hold the d10 w/honor for the versatility for single digits and %.

I'm here in hopes that my recent inspiration to run a new D&D 5e (that I have not ran) story will be at least partially successful. (you can make some of your party members happy some of the time, but you can't make all of your party members happy all the time)
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