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Giveaway: What's in their pockets?

Whether it's a rogue working a crowd, or a fallen NPC being searched for clues, sometimes you get put on the spot to come up with interesting pocket contents.

So let's brainstorm pocket contents for a typical fantasy setting. As a thank you for your help, I'm giving away some nifty prizes.

How to Enter the Giveaway
Post a reply below with three things you'd find in a person's or humanoid's pockets.

For example: stopwatch with portrait inside, small sharp knife, shopping list on parchment.

You need to Register here at Campaign-Community to be able to reply and enter. But Registration is free, secure, and you won't be spammed. You can Register with your Campaign Logger credentials, or just using your email address.

You can enter as many times as you like. You can put all your entries in one reply as a list, or come back later and make more replies.

There are three prizes up for grabs. I'll randomly draw three winners. First winner drawn takes their pick of prize. Second winner chooses from the remaining two prizes. Third winner gets the third prize.
  1. Demonplague PDF Package: The full level 1-20 adventure with all the bonus loot.
  2. A 3D printed dice tower: I had this specially printed for the giveaway. Check out the folding drawbridge!
  3. Dungeon map dice bag: I had this specially made for the giveaway by a local Edmonton lady. I purchased cool dungeon map fabric, and she made me a fantastic dice bag with inner lining and drawstring. You might find a dice or two inside when you open it. ;)
I'll close the giveaway on May 10, Mother's Day.

Enter the giveaway now by replying below. What are three things you'd find in the pockets of a fantasy person or creature?


1) A spork
2) Tightly folded square of magic paper less than an square inch that must be unfolded twenty times revealing a map that is 100 feet long and 100 feet tall.
3) Assorted lengths of wire
Three Things:
1-Small ivory cameo with the image of a young woman and the name “Penny” at the bottom...
2-a small gold ring that when worn makes you think you are invisible.
3-An ice cube that is cold and never seems to melt.
A scrap of parchment with several words written in unfamiliar language, some crossed out
An interestingly-marbled smooth river stone which seems to be perfect for cupping in your index finger and rubbing with your thumb... which you compulsively seem to start doing right now...
A pair of small roughly carved bone dice, with six pips per side, but you can't identify the bone type
A small, rough iron spike or nail, about half as long as your finger, sliding around a rough iron ring which could fit around your finger
A small phial, sealed, with something rattling around inside when shaken.
A string, folded around a small comb, with regular knots in it as if to measure small distances.
A bone clasp pin for a cloak
A small oval stone with a carving, which, on closer inspection, uncannily resembles your own face
A scrap of vellum with a list of names, some crossed out... wait, your name is on this list?
A small felt bag, with tiny interlocking wooden puzzle pieces inside
A small hand-carved wooden figurine of a smiling white cat, one paw raised
A rough, hand-carved stone in the religious symbol of ...
A tiny makeshift doll of burlap, canvas, and yarn, but with X'ed out eyes and a nail jammed through it
A small stoppered glass potion vial filled with 2 different liquids, one which seems to move and flow even when the vial is held still.
A small stone with a metal pin held against it as if by magic
A small chunk of quartz-like crystal
A chainmail ring, missing the locking pin, but with a torn loop of leather still bound around it.
A folded piece of linen, which, when unfolded shows a rough map, with a landmark you recognize
A used piece of artist's coal used for sketching on parchment or canvas

Yes, I know it was supposed to be three.
You got the bonus plan.
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Found this list in my archives:

a bag of 6 glass marbles.
a broken leather strap.
a buckle with a broken tongue.
a comb.
a folder containing diplomatic identity papers
a grocery list.
a live mouse.
a lucky charm
a monocle.
a mouse-trap (set)
a packet of 13 nails.
a packet of 2 candles.
a pair of dice.
a paper of pins.
a pearl worth 25 gp.
a piece of cheese in a breadroll.
a pipe and a pouch of pipeweed.
a promissory note issued by the local moneychanger: "Pay to bearer on
demand the sum of 20 gold sovereigns".
a religious symbol.
a scrap of parchment.
a scrap of wax.
a silk handkerchief.
a simple copper ring with non-magical runes.
a small bag of an illegal substance.
a small flask of brandy.
a snuffbox.
a tinderbox.
a vial of ink (stopper is loose, ink stains pickpocket's fingers).
a vial of perfume.
one bent copper piece.
Has this 'Contest' ended? Have any of the prizes been awarded? The contest began back in 2020 (May 2, 2020), and was supposed to run through Mother's Day? (May 10, 2020). Johnn Four also said (in 2nd post of this thread) that he'd collect the responses and compile them into a PDF. Did he/anyone do that? If so, can someone point to where we can find/obtain that PDF? Unfortunately, it seems that there are no dates on these forum posts, or are there? I don't see any - FYI: I posted this on the 25th of Jun, 2024 (a day after Johnn Four posted reply/post #116). PS: Post #107 (this thread) indicates that 'Today' is the last day to post replies... Unfortunately, I don't see any indication of who won the prize(s), or any links regarding a 'PDF' compilation of the 'Pocket Contents'.
Has this 'Contest' ended? Have any of the prizes been awarded? The contest began back in 2020 (May 2, 2020), and was supposed to run through Mother's Day? (May 10, 2020). Johnn Four also said (in 2nd post of this thread) that he'd collect the responses and compile them into a PDF. Did he/anyone do that? If so, can someone point to where we can find/obtain that PDF? Unfortunately, it seems that there are no dates on these forum posts, or are there? I don't see any - FYI: I posted this on the 25th of Jun, 2024 (a day after Johnn Four posted reply/post #116). PS: Post #107 (this thread) indicates that 'Today' is the last day to post replies... Unfortunately, I don't see any indication of who won the prize(s), or any links regarding a 'PDF' compilation of the 'Pocket Contents'.
Hola @rvaessen! Thanks for the questions.

The contest has indeed ended.

I have not awarded prizes yet though, or produced a PDF.

The delay is my fault. I had several 3D minis printed but they were stolen. Then I had 3D dice towers printed, but all 4 ended up being too small and only tiny dice would work. So that took the wind out of my sails.

I'll clean this up and wrap things up soon. Sorry for the delay, everyone.
Hey all!

I FINALLY drew the winners this morning.

I recorded the draw and describe next steps for the content:

Watch Video

Also, an ammendment to this comment I made above:
The delay is my fault. I had several 3D minis printed but they were stolen. Then I had 3D dice towers printed, but all 4 ended up being too small and only tiny dice would work. So that took the wind out of my sails.
1. The dice towers actually work with standard dice like you'd get from Amazon. I had originally tested my favourite dice set, and they are actually a few mm larger. But I tested three standard dice sets from Amazon this morning, and all worked well. So the dice towers are indeed useable.

2. There were no minis as prizes. When I reviewed the prize list this morning I realized it was the towers, dice bags, and the Demonplague. So the Demonplague minis stolen from me are actually not involved here.

Thanks for your patience, everyone. And congrats to the winners!

@ Luda D.
Wow, I have NOT thought of this in a LONG time (tbh, I've also not been to the forum, or doing any GMing since Covid killed my last round and burnout killed my energy for a while and I never found the time to start a new one. At least I managed to start *playing* again this year, so hopefully GMing again is also on the horizon somewhere. 😊Great to see you're getting around to decrease the pile of stuff to do, Johnn!