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Preview: Campaign Logger vNext (beta access)

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Here's a video I made that shows some of the new stuff coming in vNext.

I also made this video to show beta testers the current state to help you navigate around.

I you choose to particpiate in the beta, the link is below and you can log into the beta using your normal Campaign Logger credentials.

We are looking for feedback. Please post your feedback in the thread below. Thanks!

Here's how to access the beta:

Some corrections and additional notes:
  • Install App: Offline work is prepared, but not live at the moment. Currently, you just install it to start it directly from your app menu instead of browsing to the web site.
  • The Refresh button is not updating the app but just reloading data from the server - in case you have old data still in your local cache. This will be removed in the future and be an automated background task associated with the above offline feature.
  • Download/Upload: Campaign Entries are currently not included yet but will be in the future
  • Images: there will be an upload function in the future
  • Character Limits: Log Entry 2,500; Campaign Entry: 250,000
Use the New Generator Service
There's a slick new tool for building your custom generators.

Use it as a standalone tool, or to feed dynamic generators into your Campaign Logger vNext account.

Details here: https://campaign-community.com/index.php?threads/preview-generator-service-beta.682/
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Is there a way to access log options/preferences? For example, in my original session log in Campaign Logger, I have tag visibility set to hidden, but I don't see a way to toggle that in the beta. Has that not been implemented yet? And if not, will it at some point?
What are the plans for the dice roller? While I didn't necessarily use it much during sessions, it was a handy way to roll on tables during prep. There are lots of online options for this, so it's not critical, just curious.
Is there a way to access log options/preferences? For example, in my original session log in Campaign Logger, I have tag visibility set to hidden, but I don't see a way to toggle that in the beta. Has that not been implemented yet? And if not, will it at some point?
We are currently working on this.
What are the plans for the dice roller? While I didn't necessarily use it much during sessions, it was a handy way to roll on tables during prep. There are lots of online options for this, so it's not critical, just curious.
I want to place it near the generators. I am currently thinking of a more customizable version where you define the rolls you want to see yourself.
I'm really excited for this. Does it matter which browser I use?
It should be a modern browser. I am testing it regularly with Firefox and Chrome. And sometimes with Edge and Safari.
If you use another browser, please let me know how CL is working there.
I absolutely love the implementation of campaign entries. I was hoping for some sort of "tool-tips" functionality to be added and this implementation of campaign entries works really well for that.

I have noticed that the auto-population of tags is not as 'thoughtful' in the beta compared to v1. The beta search seems to require an exact match while I am used to a more broad keyword searching of tags in Campaign Logger v1.

In addition to the option to hide hide tag symbols via log options/preferences, it would also be great to be able to assign colours to the tags (like in v1).
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Is the API doc/API access ready and can I import from my existing logs for a test?

Edit: Import worked, despite the comment above that it wouldn't.
Is the API doc/API access ready and can I import from my existing logs for a test?

Edit: Import worked, despite the comment above that it wouldn't.
Currently, AFAIK there is no public documentation of the new API. Before finally migrating we will make sure that the old API will be supported by the new service, too.

Concerning the import: Are you trying to import via the UI? That should work.
This is fantastic - I transferred my notes from the original version last night. I really like the campaign entries section - it's saved me a bunch of wrangling with word-count restricted log entries. So far I've put some house-rules and links to random tables in there - fantastic.

My only suggestion so far is editable tags for campaign logs. Not a big deal given their nature, but I'm not always sure what category to put something under and change my mind later.
When I try to fire this up, I get stuck on the "Logging In." It doesn't give me the option to enter my credentials; I just see the sliding blue bar as it's (I assume) attempting to log in when I click the "log in" button. I let this go for nearly 15 minutes and nothing ever changed. Help?

Edited to add: Couldn't get the page to load in just the browser (Brave Browser - based on Chrome)...but I installed the app, and then everything seems to be working!
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My only suggestion so far is editable tags for campaign logs. Not a big deal given their nature, but I'm not always sure what category to put something under and change my mind later.
Noted! Would it suffice to include this in a global tag replace function?
first off, a small thing i was confused where to find the "filter by tags" i first tried the search/filter drop down which was empty. It took me a while to try and click the tag buttons. I guess my mind was referencing them to the tag buttons that inserts the tag into text in the old logger. So maybe a small header to the buttons.
That's my first 5 minutes :D
i love that generators are now more accessable and i will have to try out the editor tool for them as well.. as you can see i already have a old custom generator weeee
Next thought while just browsing, while im inside a tag listing i found myself wanting to create a new log entry but there is no button for it from here i think
Maybe this has to do with how i used log entries vs the new campaign entries ?
Next thought while just browsing, while im inside a tag listing i found myself wanting to create a new log entry but there is no button for it from here i think
View attachment 374
Maybe this has to do with how i used log entries vs the new campaign entries ?
I used log entries before as core nodes on specific tags.

it would be nice to have a "add campaign entry" button inside the campaign log entries so i dont have to walk back to the "main menu"
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